Government bodies and councils
The governing bodies and councils of ESSALCOITÃO.

The pedagogical, scientific and cultural autonomy of ESSALCOITÃO involves the ability to freely define, plan and execute its teaching programs, research projects and service provision actions, without prejudice to the responsibilities of the founding entity enshrined in law and its own statute.
ESSALCOITÃO’s bodies will carry out their functions in close collaboration with the School’s founding entity as responsible for its economic and financial management and for ensuring its functioning and existence.
This connection is ensured by regular meetings between the Director of ESSALCOITÃO and the Member of the SCML Board responsible for the School.
Standing Committee on Evaluation and Quality (CPAQ)
Currently, the Standing Committee on Evaluation and Quality (CPAQ) of the Alcoitão School of Health Sciences is composed by:
President of CPAQ
Appointed under Article 1, No. 1 a)
Coordinating Professor António Fernandes Lopes
President of the Technical-Scientific Council
Professor Doctor Isabel Guimarães
President of the Pedagogical Council
Coordinating Professor António Fernandes Lopes
Head of the Physiotherapy Department
Professor Doctor Ana Isabel Vieira
Head of the Speech and Language Therapy Department
Assistant Professor Ana Margarida Grilo
Head of the Occupational Therapy Department
Professor Doctor Élia da Silva Pinto
President of the Student Association (AEESSA)
Student Diogo Prudêncio
Executive Secretary of ESSALCOITÃO
Appointed under Article 1, No. 1 f)
Master Marisa Marques
Director of Academic and Administrative Services
Master Joana Cruz
Representative of internationalization projects
Appointed under Article 1, No. 1 h)
Assistant Professor António Alves Lopes
Representative of Community Extension Projects
Appointed under Article 1, No. 1 i)
Assistant Professor Cristina Vieira da Silva
Appointed under Article 1, No. 2
Master Joana Cruz