Government bodies and councils

The governing bodies and councils of ESSALCOITÃO.



The pedagogical, scientific and cultural autonomy of ESSALCOITÃO involves the ability to freely define, plan and execute its teaching programs, research projects and service provision actions, without prejudice to the responsibilities of the founding entity enshrined in law and its own statute.

ESSALCOITÃO’s bodies will carry out their functions in close collaboration with the School’s founding entity as responsible for its economic and financial management and for ensuring its functioning and existence.

This connection is ensured by regular meetings between the Director of ESSALCOITÃO and the Member of the SCML Board responsible for the School.

Management Board

Professor Doutor Jorge Torgal

Jorge Torgal


Manuel Portugal Lage

Manuel Portugal Lage


Marco Almeida

Marco Almeida



According to the provisions of Section VI of the Statutes of ESSALCOITÃO (Article 17 – Composition), the Technical-Scientific Council of ESSALCOITÃO has the following composition:

  1. The Technical-Scientific Council of ESSALCOITÃO is governed by law and these Statutes and consists of up to 15 members, with the following composition:a) Seven representatives elected from among:

    i) Career professors; ii) Individuals equivalent to full-time professors with contracts at the school for over 10 years in that category; iii) Faculty with a doctoral degree, on a full-time basis, with contracts of no less than one year, regardless of the nature of their connection to the institution; iv) Faculty with specialist titles, not covered by the previous clauses, who have been teaching at the institution for over two years and are on a full-time basis;

    b) Three representatives from recognized research units positively evaluated according to the law, if they exist, elected from among researchers with a doctoral degree. If none exist, the number of representatives in this clause reverts to clause a);

    c) Up to five members invited by SCML who meet the requirements established in paragraph 5 of Article 102 of Law No. 62/2007, of September 10, and, in particular, who have recognized competence in the scope of ESSALCOITÃO’s mission.

  2. The president, vice president, and secretary of the Technical-Scientific Council are elected by majority from among the elected representatives indicated in clauses a) and b) of the previous paragraph.
  3. The president, who has a casting vote, is responsible for convening and presiding over meetings, as well as managing all matters within the competence of this body that do not need to be presented at sessions, and promoting the execution of its decisions.
  4. The vice president is responsible for substituting the president in their absence or impediments, while the secretary is tasked with preparing the minutes of the meetings and keeping the council’s records up to date.
  5. The elections referred to in the previous paragraphs shall be conducted in accordance with the electoral regulations approved by the management council.
  6. The president of the Technical-Scientific Council may invite individuals, either from ESSALCOITÃO or external to it, to attend council sessions, without voting rights, depending on the agenda items.
  7. Members of the Technical-Scientific Council will serve for a renewable period of four years and may be dismissed under the terms of paragraph 2 of Article 144 of Law No. 62/2007, of September 10.


  • Professor Doctor Isabel Cristina Ramos Peixoto Guimarães

Vice President:

  • Professor Doctor Cristina dos Santos Cardoso de Sá


  • Professor Doctor Isabel Maria Damas Brás Dias Ferreira

Members of the Permanent Executive Committee:

  • Professor Doctor Ana Isabel Correia Matos de Ferreira Vieira
  • Professor Doctor Élia Maria Carvalho Pinheiro da Silva Pinto

Members of the Technical-Scientific Council:

  • Professor Doctor Ana Isabel Correia Matos de Ferreira Vieira
  • Professor Doctor Ana Paula Martins Gil
  • Professor Doctor Cristina dos Santos Cardoso de Sá
  • Professor Doctor Cláudia Regina Pereira Quaresma
  • Professor Doctor Élia Maria Carvalho Pinheiro da Silva Pinto
  • Professor Doctor Helga Filipa de Oliveira Miguel
  • Professor Doctor Inês Tello Rato Milheiras Rodrigues
  • Professor Doctor Isabel Cristina Ramos Peixoto Guimarães
  • Professor Doctor Isabel Maria Damas Brás Dias Ferreira
  • Professor Doctor João Manuel Cunha da Silva Abrantes
  • Assistant Professor José Manuel Fernandes Esteves
  • Professor Doctor Maria Elisabete Gomes da Silva Martins
  • Dr. Maria de Jesus Gonçalves Rodrigues
  • Assistant Professor Marta Sofia Constantino Figueiredo

According to the provisions of Section V of the Statutes of ESSALCOITÃO (Article 21 – Composition):

  1. The pedagogical council is a parity body, composed of an equal number of representatives from the teaching staff and the students, aimed at allowing the participation of both faculty and students in the management of ESSALCOITÃO, encouraging democratic practices and institutional cooperation.
  2. The pedagogical council is composed of:a) Two faculty members from each undergraduate program offered at ESSALCOITÃO, elected according to the internal regulations by their peers among career professors, equivalent full-time professors, faculty with a doctoral degree on a full-time basis, and faculty with a specialist title who have been contracted with the institution for more than two years and are on a full-time basis;

    b) Two student representatives from each undergraduate program offered at ESSALCOITÃO, elected by their peers according to the regulations of the pedagogical council;

    c) When second-cycle courses for which ESSALCOITÃO is solely responsible are offered, the pedagogical council will also include one faculty member who teaches in one of those courses and one student elected by the students enrolled in those courses, in accordance with the stipulations in clause a).

President and Representative of the Teaching Staff for the 1st Cycle of Studies in Physiotherapy:

  • Professor António Manuel Fernandes Lopes

Vice President and Representative of the Teaching Staff for the 1st Cycle of Studies in Speech and Language Therapy:

  • Professor Ana Margarida Nogueira Leitão Lima Grilo

Secretary and Representative of the Teaching Staff for the 1st Cycle of Studies in Occupational Therapy:

  • Professor Doctor Isabel Maria Damas Brás Dias Ferreira

Representative of the Teaching Staff for the 2nd Cycle of Studies:

  • Professor Doctor Ana Isabel Correia Matos de Ferreira Vieira

Representative of the Teaching Staff for the 1st Cycle of Studies in Physiotherapy:

  • Professor Hugo Filipe Coelho Miragaia Santos

Representative of the Teaching Staff for the 1st Cycle of Studies in Speech and Language Therapy:

  • Professor Luísa Fernanda Marques Taveira Soares

Representative of the Teaching Staff for the 1st Cycle of Studies in Occupational Therapy:

  • Professor Nuno Manuel Beleza Laranjeira Alves Moreira

Representative of the Students for the 1st Cycle of Studies in Physiotherapy:

  • Daniela Alexandra Ferreira Domingues

Representative of the Students for the 1st Cycle of Studies in Physiotherapy:

  • Tomás de Figueiredo Gonçalves

Representative of the Students for the 1st Cycle of Studies in Speech and Language Therapy:

  • Rita Adelaide Santos Amorim

Representative of the Students for the 1st Cycle of Studies in Speech and Language Therapy:

  • Carolina Clímaco Bento

Representative of the Students for the 1st Cycle of Studies in Occupational Therapy:

  • Cláudia Nunes Faria

Representative of the Students for the 1st Cycle of Studies in Occupational Therapy:

  • Mariana Almeida Antunes

Representative of the Students for the 2nd Cycle of Studies:

  • Alice Maria da Cruz Moita

According to the provisions in Section VI of the Statutes of ESSALCOITÃO (Article 26 – Composition):

1 — The Advisory Council aims to foster the connection between the activities of ESSALCOITÃO and civil society, as well as other higher education institutions, particularly in the areas of social intervention and the health sector.

2 — The Advisory Council of ESSALCOITÃO is composed of ex officio members and elected members, and is presided over by the provedor of SCML, who has a casting vote and may delegate this function to one of the members of the Board or the director.

3 — The ex officio members of the Advisory Council include the members of the management board, the presidents of the technical-scientific and pedagogical councils, the president of the Students’ Association of ESSALCOITÃO, the student advocate, and the president of the Alumni Association.

4 — The Advisory Council also includes:

a) Six faculty members from ESSALCOITÃO, consisting of three coordinating professors and three assistant professors, elected by their peers, representing the undergraduate programs equally;

b) Three students elected by their peers, one from each undergraduate program;

c) Two representatives of the non-teaching staff of ESSALCOITÃO, elected by their peers;

d) Seven individuals not affiliated with ESSALCOITÃO, recognized for their merit and experience relevant to the development of the Advisory Council’s responsibilities, with three invited by the director and four invited by the founding entity.

5 — The elections mentioned in the previous numbers will be conducted in accordance with the electoral regulations approved by the management board.

Presidency of the Advisory Council:

  • Dr. Paulo Alexandre Duarte de Sousa, Provedor of SCML

Director of ESSALCOITÃO:

  • Professor Doctor Jorge Torgal

Members of the Management Board:

  • Dr. Manuel Portugal Lage
  • Dr. Marco Almeida

President of the Technical-Scientific Council:

  • Professor Doctor Isabel Cristina Ramos Peixoto Guimarães

President of the Pedagogical Council:

  • Coordinating Professor António Manuel Fernandes Lopes

Representatives of the Department of Physiotherapy:

  • Professor Doctor Cristina dos Santos Cardoso de Sá, Coordinating Professor
  • Professor Doctor Ana Isabel Correia Matos de Ferreira Vieira, Assistant Professor
  • Inês Marques Castilho, Student

Representatives of the Department of Occupational Therapy:

  • Professor Doctor Élia Maria Carvalho Pinheiro da Silva Pinto, Coordinating Professor
  • Professor Silvia Maria Coelho Martins, Assistant Professor
  • Mariana Guerra Rosa, Student

Representatives of the Department of Speech Therapy:

  • Professor Doctor Isabel Cristina Ramos Peixoto Guimarães, Coordinating Professor
  • Professor Ana Margarida Nogueira Leitão Lima Grilo, Assistant Professor
  • Luana Marques Guedes, Student

Student Advocate:

  • Dr. Cristina Delgado

President of the Students’ Association:

  • Diogo Prudêncio

Representatives of the Non-Academic Staff:

  • Manuel da Silva Pires
  • Master Joana Maria Ferreira da Cruz

The following individuals designated by the Board of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa are also part of the Advisory Council:

  • Professor Doctor António Bensabat Rendas
  • Dr. Carlos Carreiras
  • Professor Doctor Isabel Soares
  • Professor Doctor Joaquim Ferreira
  • Dr. José Filipe Ribeiro
  • Commander Nazim Ahmad
  • Dr. Rui Diniz


  • Master Marisa Marques, Executive Secretary


  • Professor Doctor Isabel Ferreira

Department of Physiotherapy:

  • Professor Doctor Ana Isabel Vieira
  • Professor Doctor Rita Brandão

Department of Occupational Therapy:

  • Professor Doctor Élia da Silva Pinto
  • Professor Cristina Vieira da Silva

Department of Speech and Language Therapy:

  • Professor Margarida Grilo
  • Professor Luisa Taveira


  • Professor Doctor Jaime Branco


  • Professor Doctor Ana Margarida Ramalho


  • Dr. Rosário Zincke dos Reis
  • Doctor Lia Jacobsohn
  • Professor Doctor Miguel da Mata Pereira
  • Professor Doctor Cristina de Sá
  • Professor Doctor Élia Maria Carvalho Pinto Silva Pinto


  • Dr. Ana Cristina Calado
Marisa Gomes Marques

Executive Secretary

Marisa Marques

Secretariat of the Management Board

Ana Cristina Calado

Gabriela Arcanjo

Standing Committee on Evaluation and Quality (CPAQ)

Currently, the Standing Committee on Evaluation and Quality (CPAQ) of the Alcoitão School of Health Sciences is composed by:

President of CPAQ
Appointed under Article 1, No. 1 a)

Coordinating Professor António Fernandes Lopes

President of the Technical-Scientific Council

Professor Doctor Isabel Guimarães

President of the Pedagogical Council

Coordinating Professor António Fernandes Lopes

Head of the Physiotherapy Department

Professor Doctor Ana Isabel Vieira

Head of the Speech and Language Therapy Department

Assistant Professor Ana Margarida Grilo

Head of the Occupational Therapy Department

Professor Doctor Élia da Silva Pinto

President of the Student Association (AEESSA)

Student Diogo Prudêncio

Executive Secretary of ESSALCOITÃO
Appointed under Article 1, No. 1 f)

Master Marisa Marques

Director of Academic and Administrative Services

Master Joana Cruz

Representative of internationalization projects
Appointed under Article 1, No. 1 h)

Assistant Professor António Alves Lopes

Representative of Community Extension Projects
Appointed under Article 1, No. 1 i)

Assistant Professor Cristina Vieira da Silva

Appointed under Article 1, No. 2

Master Joana Cruz