
Occupational Therapy Degree

The Occupational Therapist trains the person for the Occupation in order to promote health, well-being and quality of life.

alunos em exercício de terapia ocupacional com uma lona e uma bola

The degree

The Occupational Therapist assesses the person's occupational dimension to find out what they want/need to do and why they are not achieving it.

Everything that human beings do results from their interaction with the environment. The Occupational Therapist assesses the person's occupational dimension to find out what they want/need to do and why they are not achieving it. Uses specific methodologies and activities/occupations according to the individual's motivation and needs. When occupational dysfunction is based on the absence of function and this cannot be recovered, the occupational therapist can also use support products or adaptations to compensate for these disabilities. You can also intervene in the person's family, social or professional environment, advising family members or caregivers, creating opportunities for involvement, adapting the space to the individual's needs and/or eliminating architectural barriers. Its primary objective is to maximize the balance and adaptation between what the person wants and needs to do and their competence to achieve it, in order to give them back the possibility of continuing to play their roles in society.

The Occupational Therapist is a health professional who works in the prevention, evaluation and treatment of Occupational Performance problems, enabling people at risk of or with occupational dysfunction to carry out day-to-day occupations. These occupations consist of the set of activities that the person needs to carry out and/or considers important to give meaning to their life. These activities may aim to take care of yourself, enjoy your leisure time and/or contribute to the economic and social development of society.

The curricular design comprises several teaching and learning strategies, highlighting the Learning in Real Context (internship) carried out in hospitals, health centers, clinics, rehabilitation centers, schools, day centers, psychiatric rehabilitation centers, etc. Carried out throughout the course, the internship is guided by Occupational Therapists with recognized professional experience, who constitute the body of clinical educators, together with the internal teaching staff of the Occupational Therapy Department at ESSALCOITÃO. It also provides skills gains at an international level, through the European mobility program ERASMUS+.

  • Explain the theoretical concepts that underlie Occupational Therapy, specifically the occupational nature of human beings and their performance of occupations
  • Build a therapeutic partnership relationship as a basis for the occupational therapy process
  • Explain the relationship between occupational performance, health and well-being
  • Establish partnerships, consult and advise clients, caregivers, team members and other entities with the aim of enabling the client to occupy and participate
  • Synthesize and apply relevant knowledge/knowledge from biological, medical, human, psychological, social, technological and occupational sciences, together with theories of occupation and participation
  • Collaborate with clients in defending their rights regarding the satisfaction of their occupational needs
  • Analyze the complexity of applying formal theories and scientific evidence related to occupation, in the context of a changing society
  • Value and respect individual differences, beliefs and cultural habits as well as the influence they have on occupation and participation
  • Engage and influence others in rational and reasoned debates related to human occupation and occupational therapy
  • Prepare, update and review documentation relating to the occupational therapy process
  • Work in partnership with individuals/populations to involve them in occupations through health promotion, prevention, re/habilitation and treatment
  • Comply with local, regional, national and European policies and requirements, as well as professional standards and regulations
  • Select, modify and apply theories, practice models and methodologies to meet the occupational and health needs of individuals/populations
  • Demonstrate capacity for continuous lifelong learning to promote occupational therapy
  • Effectively use ethical and professional reasoning throughout the occupational therapy process
  • Demonstrate a practice based on ethical principles, respecting clients and taking into account professional codes and conduct for occupational therapists
  • Utilize the therapeutic potential of occupations, through the use of analysis and synthesis of activities and occupations
  • Demonstrate confidence in self-management, self-knowledge and knowledge of your own limitations as an occupational therapist
  • Adapt and apply the Occupational Therapy process in close cooperation with individuals/populations
  • Search, analyze and critically integrate scientific literature and other relevant information
  • Work to provide accessible and adapted environments and promote occupational justice
  • Understand, select and defend theoretical models and research methodologies appropriate to human occupation, taking into account ethical aspects
  • Collaborate with groups and communities to promote the health and well-being of their members through participation in occupations
  • Actively interpret, analyze, synthesize and criticize scientific results, critically evaluate and apply a set of information and evidence to ensure up-to-date and relevant practice for the client
  • Determine and prioritize occupational therapy services
  • Critically evaluate occupational therapy practice to ensure it focuses on occupation and occupational performance
  • Understand and apply management principles in occupational therapy services, including the cost-effectiveness ratio, in the administration of resources and equipment and in the establishment of occupational therapy protocols
  • Work according to the principles of client-centered practice
  • Take a proactive role in the development and promotion of occupational therapy
  • Working with the community
  • Continuous care
  • Home support
  • Hospitals
  • Rehabilitation Centers
  • Health centers
  • Occupational Health
  • Kindergartens
  • Regular and special education schools
  • Institutions for the elderly
  • Prison establishments
  • Institutions serving drug addicts

After completing the degree in Occupational Therapy, finalists must request a certificate and register in the professional register with the Central Administration of the Health System, I.P. (ACSS) –

Teaching staff


Higher Education Institution: Escola Superior De Saúde Do Alcoitão
Organic Unit: 
Escola Superior De Saúde Do Alcoitão
Process No.:
Degree: Licenciado
ECTS: 240,0
Decision: Accredited
Number of Years of Accreditation: 6
Publication Date: 11-07-2022


Video testimonials

Occupational Therapy, with testimonies from Diana Ramos and ‎Ana Rita Henriques